Purchase Management


An app to keeps a categorical record of vendors and purchased items.


Tech Stack

file_type_html HTML5

file_type_css CSS3

JavaScript ES6

file_type_mongo MongoDb






Tools used

file_type_vscode VScode


Note: I'm sharing a demo version of the app and using a test database after taking permission from concerened authorities.

Project Purpose & Goals

The user wanted a digital paperless platform where they can keep track of vendor details and purchased items for on going and completed infra projects - while on the field. Ability to compare quotation cost was also a top requirement.

Web Stack and Explanation

After discussing the project requirements with the client, I created basic sketches of the app's UI and turned them into wireframes using Figma. I developed the front end in React. I used React state hooks along with function components to create React app. In order to have a centralized application state I used Redux along with Thunk as middleware to handle asychronous function calls to backend.

I used MongoDb for the database and generated the schema using Mongoose. Authentication was handled using JSON Web Tokens

I chose Express framework on top of NodeJs for the backend. Finally the project was deployed on Heroku