PetPet Online Store


An online store which has a range of nutrition products and accessories for all pets.


Tech Stack

file_type_html HTML5

file_type_css CSS3

JavaScript ES6

file_type_mongo MongoDb






Tools used

file_type_vscode VScode


Project Purpose & Goals

This is one of my personal projects and the main motive was to get an hands on experience of building a full stack web application from scratch. Being a pet owner I thought it would be fun to develop an online pet store.

Web Stack and Learning Experience

The frontend is built using React, Redux and React-Bootstrap. I studied and used a number of ES6 features such as arrow functions, spread operator and destructuring. I learnt why and how to use array methods namely map, filter, reduce.

I used MongoDb for the database and generated the schemas using Mongoose framework. Authentication was handled using JSON Web Tokens. I used Multer, a popular npm package which makes file handling easy and efficient.

The backend was developed using Express framework on top of NodeJs. I used Git and GitHub for version control finally deployed the project on Heroku