Kailash Coating


An ERP app developed for Kailash Coating, it manages day-to-day business activities which includes project management, book keeping, manufauturing and delivery logistics.

Tech Stack



file_type_html HTML

file_type_css CSS3




Tools used

file_type_vscode VScode



The company used to keep track of its sales, accounts and customer information in physical books. They had a software in place for the manufauturing department but it only generated job cards. As a result, keeping track of P/L statement, the monthly, quaterly or yearly growth was time consuming. The comapany data was offline and not accessible by the owner outside office premises.


I proposed an all in one ERP app which will allow the accounting department to keep track of monthly, quaterly and yearly sales. It would have job card and delivery management functionaly for manufacturing dept. I also proposed to have user authentication in place so that the owner and manager can have online access to company data but workshop employees would've limited access to sensitive accounting information.


The owner was able to remotely monitor day-to-day activities and analyse growth efficiently by having access to statistical sales data.


"I had a very simple software for preparing job cards and delivery challans only for my industrial unit. I had to prepare Tax Invoices, receipts seperately in Tally. Sahil developed a software program as per my requirements and inputs in which I can prepare job cards, delivery challans, Tax Invoice, receipts easily. I can now get various reports and statistics of my business accurately and instantly. His program has totally eliminated my paper work and risk of errors." -Ajay Ashok, Director at Kailash Coating